Having taken holy orders his advancement in the Church was very rapid, mainly through the influence of his brother Andrew. But Hepburn, prior of St Andrews, having obtained the vote of the chapter, expelled him, and was himself in turn expelled by Forman, bishop of Moray, who had been nominated by the pope. "Just the thought of Jeff having a chick on the side struck me funny, that's all," he answered. Sometimes he would come up unexpectedly on the opposite side of me, having apparently passed directly under the boat. Maybe it wasn't the fact that his mother was having an affair. Having time on my hands and nothing to do, I called After. Having a child nowadays is tough enough but jumping in in the middle of the game is bewildering. I should get up early. When to use has, had and have? He had a strong alibi. Didn.t realize I liked having some sort of free will. She turned twenty-four two months ago and started having all these issues, like she's a vamp. Benjamin Disraeli chose the title of earl of Beaconsfield in 1876, his wife having in 1868 received the title of Viscountess Beaconsfield. Then, in a fit of honesty, he apologized for having put away a bit too much booze after he dropped her off. 5. Is this correct? It didn't make sense that there was, especially after he'd admitted to having someone else on the side. Having the world's best neurologist on call was one of the perks of the rich and famous, a world unfamiliar to her except that her sister had been gunning for it since her sixteenth birthday. All sentences have a noun or pronoun component called the subject, and a verb part called the predicate. And she wasn't the only one having this child. She'd felt it last night, too, before … before the fever dream about them having sex. He quickened his pace, having little reason to prolong the trip. 58. Have a look at another example that will help you to understand the need for a grammar check before sending the copy to the audience. ", "If she had any problems, she would ask Jack for help. It is stated too that he was offered, but refused, the lord treasurership. Been having a rough time on my…medications or whatever. This question surprised me very much; for I had not the faintest recollection of having had it read to me. Toby felt almost as distraught at having to stay in the cell while his human was lost in the underworld. Having secured the support of several influential princes by extensive promises, he was chosen at Frankfort on the 27th of July 1298, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 24th of August following. I'd be less than honest if I said the security Josh can offer wasn't tempting - that and the idea of having an instant family. A footman wanted to come in to clear away something in the room but she would not let him, and having closed the door behind him continued her walk. Many sentence words have formed from the process of devaluation and semantic erosion. And yet, for someone who was bold enough to drive up and introduce himself, he was certainly having a hard time working up the courage to ask her to a movie. Dec 07 2011 01:57:28. The pope was accused of having exaggerated the conspiracy of the cardinals for purposes of financial gain, but most of such accusations appear to be unsubstantiated. Before they started having children, they needed to get to know each other. 60. Having reached the left flank, instead of going to the front where the firing was, he began to look for the general and his staff where they could not possibly be, and so did not deliver the order. Given her first chance to rest in over two days, she sighed, exhausted and irritated at having to dig her own clothing out of a box. A subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. Evelyn had been so happy the past few months, and having Romas around was not that bad. An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own as a sentence. What part of 'wealthy' were you having problems understanding? I volunteered no more information, nor did he want it, doubly so now that he might be suspected of having ties to us because of the frequent inquiries he made. 99. I'm having some art supplies delivered this afternoon. In October 1704 the "Cinque Porte" returned and found two of these men, the others having been apparently captured by the French. Stopping at the top of the stairs, she wept silently, wishing to help him, but having not a clue how. This article has been viewed 48,791 times. Hayes, the new president, having chosen John Sherman to be his secretary of the treasury, an effort was made to send Garfield to the United States Senate in Sherman's place. At the rate Ed is having female offspring; he'll have to be one of your geldings. They'd been joking and sparring and having a good time. As a matter of fact, I am always confused when it comes to using a preposition at a proper place. For Miss Keller to spell a sentence in the manual alphabet impresses it on her mind just as we learn a thing from having heard it many times and can call back the memory of its sound. In this particular sentence, 'quietly' has been placed before the object. Giving him the title of senator, he sent him to Italy with the legate, Cardinal Albornoz, and having collected a few mercenary troops on the way, Rienzi entered Rome in August 13 54. Marsyas found it, and having acquired great skill in playing it, challenged Apollo to a contest with his lyre. It was clear he had no intention of crushing the wild flowers for the final leg of the trip, although he didn't comment on the Deans having done so earlier. A sentence’s “structure” is the main form it should follow in order for it to make sense and express the right idea. Intense Traffic Secrets – Revamped. In the first parliament elected under this "Instrument" he sat for Wiltshire, having been elected also for Poole and Tewkesbury, and was one of the commissioners for the ejection of unworthy ministers. Independent clauses are so called because they make sense when they stand on their own. This leads to a persistent problem. We have enough to be concerned with today's problems without having to clutter my mind about the happenings of a century ago. The French, the spy reported, having crossed the Vienna bridge, were advancing by forced marches toward Znaim, which lay sixty-six miles off on the line of Kutuzov's retreat. Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father. Years have drilled that into her. I hadn't considered that having a house guest would severely limit our chances for candid conversation. The boy who has a limp was in an auto accident. The angle between two objects, such as stars or the opposite limbs of the sun, was measured by directing an arm furnished with fine " sights " (in the sense of the " sights " of a rifle) first upon one of the objects and then upon the other (q.v. I'm kinda tired of having my brain cut open. To keep subject and object apart, however, we have to stick to the word order. The simple sentence is the most basic of the … I wish I had seen her. ‘did’ is the auxiliary verb needed to form a past simple negative statement, and is always followed by a base form verb - here ‘get’. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Answers. I do not practice the violin every morning. It was nice having Alex home all day and having the family together, but all good things come to an end. On the 25th of April 1650, he married Lady Frances Cecil, sister of the earl of Essex, his first wife having died in the previous year leaving no family. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. How to Write an Academic Research Paper. Despite his apparently delicate build Prince Andrew could endure physical fatigue far better than many very muscular men, and on the night of the battle, having arrived at Krems excited but not weary, with dispatches from Dokhturov to Kutuzov, he was sent immediately with a special dispatch to Brunn. Years and years have passed. While Fred had chatted amiably during the course of the two weeks, he confined his discussions to methods that might be used in finding and identifying Byrne, and never complained about having to remain in Parkside. I'm not against a woman having a job, as long as she sticks to work meant for women. She should be looking for a replacement vehicle, but having another car in the garage would only be a reminder that there was no one left to drive it. Maybe she was having an affair with the butcher. The neighbors were having a party around a huge bonfire. Focus on your overall points or arguments, then paragraphs, then sentences. Though troubled, she felt somewhat relieved at not having to keep the secrets alone anymore. Examples: I don't have to get up early at weekend. She will insist on having her hair put in curl papers when she is so sleepy she can scarcely stand. I had to walk home. Alex was there, he was simply having trouble communicating. While she was outside having a pity party, he was trying to figure out what he'd done wrong. The actress was sentenced to two months in federal prison for her part in the college admissions scandal . What would give him the idea that she enjoyed having him carry her across the creek? The senator said he might run again and, if he did, Myra Henry would be his campaign manager. Lori and I aren't having an affair, Carmen. Having met him, I'd have to say he was capable of it. If your conditions are competitive, we (place) an order. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / … On the 17th of November 1672, however, he became lord chancellor, Bridgman having been compelled to resign the seat. I kept having the same dream over and over. It saved the guy from having his head blown off. Are you having as much difficulty keeping this night casual as I am? She was having a hard time of it, but she was breathing. 2. How would he see that no one bothered her - by having her followed? I know, but having the family's support is more important to me. How do you think it feels to live with the regret that stems from having done something beyond reparation to someone as beautiful as she is in this life? She rolled her eyes, uninterested in having such a blatant reminder of Toni's perfect body. It must be difficult for you, having to make all the decisions now. I wanted the thought of having your baby to stay with me, even if I was mistaken. There are three types of conditional sentences. had example sentences. Maybe having one mother leave and not come back ... no, surely they couldn't reason that early in life. have example sentences. It was like having a heavy load lifted from her shoulders. The fairies promised obedience and soon started on their journey, dragging the great glass jars and vases along, as well as they could, and now and then grumbling a little at having such hard work to do, for they were idle fairies, and liked play better than work. Why was he faking having a mother and child with him? "Yet" is a useful word in the English language, as it allows you to be more clear in a sentence. Think of the things she would miss and the instability of having no parents. ", "This time tomorrow we will be having lunch on the beach. A sentence is a grammatically complete idea. ", "Lunch was had on the balcony last Saturday. "We're trying to put a goat stanchion I ordered together – and not having much luck," Carmen said. Start by deciding if “i.e.” will be effective in the sentence. Having straightened his coat and fastened on his hunting knives and horn, he mounted his good, sleek, well-fed, and comfortable horse, Viflyanka, which was turning gray, like himself. She's started having symptoms that the doctors can't figure out what's wrong. Facing it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be, and having Alex at her side was the biggest reason it wasn't. 3. You're having a pity party at his expense. Having said that much, he stopped, appearing to have run out of conversation. Lori Loughlin has apparently been a “wreck” as she serves her prison sentence. By the time she got home, she was certain he was having an affair. It was her responsibility now and having a job would give her the opportunity for a more modern approach to being a wife and mother. When it comes to making sure your sentence is clear and complete, having the right sentence structure is very important. She said it with a sad finality, like someone admitting to having a terminal disease. Examples of years have in a sentence: 1. He and Fred retired to Dean's quarters, having made no progress. (In the sentence structure you use, the subject [I/We] is independent of the object [professor/professors]): I know a professor who has grey hair. No. It was stupid to eat something from the woods without having someone to advise her. We do not know which boy is meant without further description; therefore, no commas are used. If you see, I have written a sentence within the bracket and have placed 'above' in the end. "Yeah, I'm having some issues," Sofia replied. and the French word "Ben!" The verb to be is a key verb in English, playing a major part in many types of constructions, as in all other European languages ( etre in French, sein in German, ser/estar in Spanish). Having children of her own was such a priority that she had missed something truly gratifying. Thanks - Nick. Well, if you want to, but you'll have plenty to do after we're married - and I was looking forward to having you home. I'm good at this, despite never having learned it. How to use complete in a sentence. Had he come over that stormy night while Alex was away with the intent of making Alex believe they were having an affair? Example sentences with the word have. Example sentences with the word had. He had already gone. Learn how to use participle clauses in English grammar with Lingolia’s grammar rules and test your skills in the exercises. When they had finished dinner and were having port back in the drawing room, Jackson asked, "Now that you've seen Sarah's shoe closet, would you like to see the rest of the house?". 78. Dean was hoping to at least finish his salsa before having to stop Fred from dashing up the mountain to single-handedly solve the caper. As long as it has a subject and a predicate, a group of words can form a sentence, no matter how short. If she hadn't been so obsessed with the idea of having biological children, she might have seen it. How could having a baby cause so much sadness for two people who wanted one so badly? She rose, having slept fully clothed out of fear Xander would attack her in her sleep. It is evident that the normal blue is more or less diluted with extraneous white light, having its origin in reflections from the grosser particles of foreign matter with which the air is usually charged. After having preached the gospel in Wiirzburg, the whole party were put to death by the orders of an unjust judge named Gozbert. I'm having too much fun. she asked. He does have money. Xander studied the wily Grey God, aware of Darian's reputation for having a wild streak that bordered on suicidal. 2. She didn't need to know he planned on having her killed off, once and for all, once they were free of Hell. I am a professor who has a tweed jacket. Let's eat Grandpa. Death sentences were known to have been imposed after proceedings that did not meet international fair trial standards in countries including Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Viet Nam and Yemen. "Gabriel, are the issues you're having with the underworld and souls and whatever, are those issues my fault?" I was just having fun with them; I love you. He saw you and Jeffrey Byrne having lunch. Perhaps the decline of this country has already started. Having been raised as rivals in all areas, A'Ran took a very unwarrior-like satisfaction out of having bested Kisolm finally. has, have, had in a sentence. In English, sentences have two basic parts: a subject and a verb. Having baited the horses twice on the way, he arrived at the town toward evening on the fourth of August. Having never been propositioned before, she didn't know whether to be angry or terrified. She followed, intent on having her tea by the window as she did every morning. Dusty didn't know if a few months of Darian having his own mind back were enough to erase thousands of years under the control of another. Was that why she seemed so concerned that they might be having an affair? I think Mr. Keith is a wonderful teacher, and I feel very grateful to him for having made me see the beauty of Mathematics. with special honour, and Bishop Repingdon of Lincoln, ex-Wycliffite, was one of the new batch of cardinals created on the 18th of September 1408, most of Gregory's cardinals having deserted him. One of the visitors, usually spoken of as "a man of great merit," having described how he had that day seen Kutuzov, the newly chosen chief of the Petersburg militia, presiding over the enrollment of recruits at the Treasury, cautiously ventured to suggest that Kutuzov would be the man to satisfy all requirements. At last, having become quite rich, he decided to go home. Using “Have Had” in a Sentence. Thirty minutes later she was walking down the drive to meet Connie, never having betrayed his trust. It must have been tough for you, having grown up with all of this. Complete the sentences. There have been many leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world. Carmen has this fixation about having to pay for everything on her own... not using MY money. ", "Alice had a shower before she left for work. in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. She had been protected from outside influence – partly by having no television and partly by the fact that neither of her parents worked away from the home. I had a good time. I enjoy having a play described to me while it is being acted on the stage far more than reading it, because then it seems as if I were living in the midst of stirring events. Between this point and the time when equity became settled as a portion of the legal system, having fixed principles of its own, various views of its nature seem to have prevailed. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Having obtained a papal bull, he founded it by deed of the 12th of June 1458, converting the hospital into a college with a president and six fellows, to which college two days later Magdalen Hall surrendered itself and its possessions, its members being incorporated into "the New College of St Mary Magdalen.". Still a lot of us trying to deal with not having light at night or our favorite foods. The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time. 1.Ann had a red bike for two years. Complex sentences are sentences that have two clauses. A complex-compound sentence (or compound-complex sentence) has many clauses, at least one of which is a relative clause: The dog, which is eating the bone, is happy, but the cat is sad. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)? Proper nouns are specific names, like Brooklyn or Joe, and they are always capitalized. CJ. ", "Lunch had already been had when the guests arrived. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, English as a Second Language (ESL) Expert, Example Sentences of the Verb Leave in English, Example Sentences of the English Verb "Fly", M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music, B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music. He pulled back, having to exert considerable force against her surprising strength. Maybe he simply wasn't capable of having a relationship deeper than surface friendship. Having borne the title of duke of Montpensier until his grandfather's death in 1752, he became duke of Chartres, and in 1769 married Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, daughter and heiress of the duke of Penthievre, grand admiral of France, and the richest heiress of the time. besides in a sentence The hotter the zinc the thinner the coating, but as a high temperature of the bath is attended with certain objections, it is a common practice to use a moderate temperature and clear off the excess of zinc by passing the plates between rollers. Common nouns are things like house and tree, and they are not capitalized. It is only necessary for one powerful nation like Russia--barbaric as she is said to be--to place herself disinterestedly at the head of an alliance having for its object the maintenance of the balance of power of Europe, and it would save the world! "Right enough, friend," said he, and, having sat down, took out of his knapsack a scrap of blue French cloth, and wrapped it round his foot. sentence definition: 1. a group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a thought in the form of a…. The next weekend Carmen and Alex were having supper at Katie and Bill's house again and Alex was describing a place in Columbia. "I think the era of us having a safe haven is over. I had my watch fixed. In order to write one must have something to write about, and having something to write about requires some mental preparation. "I'm having an issue reconciling the two," she admitted. Put "i.e." I had a hard time. The dress is pretty but I can't imagine having to wear these undies! I love having you there, but I don't sleep well knowing you're in the next room. There is somebody on the phone for you. I cannot imagine having to make this decision. Having sentence examples. 2. The simplified sentence is " you report to me". Dad's so set on having him for a son-in-law that he doesn't even notice. Using just 'has' or 'have' instead of 'has been' or 'have been' in the sentences above would make no sense. Having said this, Napoleon rode on to meet Marshal Lannes, who, hat in hand, rode up smiling to the Emperor to congratulate him on the victory. He joined Dean at the kitchen table although Cynthia would have preferred having her private domain to herself. He thought of Elisabeth constantly, having to resist the urge to call her or just show up. I felt a sickness in my stomach at the news, in spite of having surmised as much. His nose bore the appearance of having been broken and set incorrectly more than once. He had one daughter. Oliver _____ already _____ lunch when I arrived. What do you gain by having me go to the underworld? 2.Sue has had a red bike for two years. The seclusion she knew well, having been brought up less than five miles from this house. A “that” is needed after “and” to make it clear for the reader. The boundaries of a sentence are easily recognized, as it begins with a capital letter and ends with a terminal punctuation mark (period, question mark or exclamation point). What did you mean when you said that we wouldn't be having that conversation if you could get me pregnant? These three adjustments having been made, the prisms P3 and P4 are removed and replaced by another prism in which the silvering is arranged as in fig. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. It'd be kinda nice to just think about fishing and TV and not having to wonder what suit is all over my ass because of some dumb new rule. After all, he had accused her of having an affair with Josh. It may take a while, but she shouldn't have any real difficulty having her husband declared dead—but she refuses to sue. I can check without having to ask anyone—and tip him off. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. He could take his time before revealing his secret without having to worry about his fangs popping up. The fairies promised obedience, and were off in a twinkling, dragging the heavy jars and vases along after them as well as they could, now and then grumbling a little at having such a hard task, for they were idle fairies and loved to play better than to work. Having Felipa at the house allowed her to spend more time with the children. Here I sit, having to listen to a sobbing lady instead of being on my way to more pleasant chores. You can be sick or be late, but you can't have sick or have late. Use the verb "to have" to conjugate the following sentences. I do not enjoy playing with my kids.. 8. he likes super heroes” or the sentence… Boost Traffic To Your Website. If you're still having a problem I'll have to dial-a-stud. If we had known more about their culture, negotiating (be) easier. It was nice having someone who could talk knowledgably about the animals – someone who not only understood their interest, but shared it. Right now I'm having difficulty deciding where you'd draw the line. Vico's writings suffer through their author's not having followed a regular course of studies, and his style is very involved. If not for the nightmares, she'd carry him back to his bed, whether or not he liked it, but she found some comfort in having the angel so close. We have nothing in common. Whether it is the notion of manufacturing meat or having the computer tell you what you should order at the restaurant, you may have cringed and thought, "Man, that's kind of creepy.". Could you please help me with this?

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