Paranthropus. The robust australopithecines (Au. garhi but not with the other gracile australopithecines. garhi but not with the other gracile australopithecines. He gave it the name Paranthropus robustus and noted its hominin features as well as its exaggerated chewing apparatus. Gracile and robust body structure across the australopithecine spectrum is a result of diet, not sexual dimorphism. C. they were probably much harrier than their anc. A third source of P. robustus is the limestone cave of Drimolen, South Africa. Examine the following illustration. Australopithecina or Hominina is a subtribe in the tribe Hominini. c) They generally were slender and delicate boned. Paranthropus was larger than Australopithecus and was primarily vegetarian, as can be deduced from the structure of the molar teeth. They are our distant ‘cousins’ rather than our direct relatives. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. All these related species are now sometimes collectively termed australopiths or homininians. aethiopicus. 11. b) It was really the same species as Australopithecus africanus. The australopithecine pelvis is shaped more like ours, short and broad, and the femur angles inward creating a valgus knee, like in humans. Its body was relatively petite, however, males weighing about 40 kg (88 pounds) and females about 32 kg (70 pounds). both a. and C. Distinctive traits of robust australopithecines include: large premolars and molars large temporalis muscles and a sagittal crest both a and b. These features make the skulls of the robusts look very different from those of modern humans. Compared to the robust australopithecines, Australopithecus africans has… dental proportions more similar to later Homo. Distinctive traits of robust australopithecines include. It closely resembles the group Australopithecus, and together the two form the family (subfamily) Australopithicinae. D. They possessed very large molar teeth & ch foot bones with an arch The 1959 discovery of a nearly complete cranium by Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, first revealed the presence of a robust australopith in East Africa. The fossil was dated to 1.8 mya, and it was the first African hominin whose age was accurately measured by argon analysis. It closely resembles the group Australopithecus, and together the two form the family (subfamily) Australopithicinae. b) They evolved after the robust species of australopithecines. Earliest members of the 'robust' australopithecine genus Paranthropus ¢rst occur in the fossil record near 2.8 Ma [22,114, 125,126]. small front teeth, large back teeth, big face, sagittal chest. It shares with its South African cousin the combination of chewing specializations. Paranthropus lived between 4 and 1 million years ago. 12. All three sites are located within a few kilometres of one another in a valley about 30 km (18 miles) west of Johannesburg. The most definitive evidence for bipedalism found in Laetoli is. robustus, aethiopicus, boisei) seem to have overlapped in time only with Au. Molar size follows the robust australopithecine pattern, increas-ing distally (M1

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